Retail Package Seals are the perfect a perfect way to secure your packaged items. This is to preven your products being tampered with before getting into the hands of the client. This is ideal for items such as: pastry bags, product boxes, mailing envelopes, sensitive documents etc.

SizeQuantity FromQuantity ToPrice
1" Circle - 1000 per roll310$10,000.00
1.6" Circle - 500 per roll310$7,500.00
1120$14,500.00 (Save 3%)
2130$21,000.00 (Save 7%)
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Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line

Price Calculator

(Min: 3, Max: 30)

Estimated Total:$3,000.00
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